Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Par for the course

So...I am now writing from a hospital room at children's mercy. Livi has been battling a cold the past week and a UTI the week before that, but the antibiotics proved to help. In the last week she has been spiking random fevers, the most severe of which happened yesterday afternoon about three o'clock up to 105.8 degrees reported in triage. She continued to spike over 103 at midnight and almost 104 this morning at 6am. They have tested everything. All negative. Big shocker. Their best guess is virus, but I think thats just a formality they have to say. If her baseline continues to decline (I don't know how we would know-she sleeps all the time this week anyway) then they will do a lp (spinal tap) and check for meningitis. We are for sure staying tonight. Past that we know nothing.

We would appreciate prayers, of course, but we are well taken care of, as usual. Our friends have been at our beck and call and even a grandpa made it through security last night to see us in the ER. :)

On another note, Livi's surgery has been scheduled for June 23. Much later than we were hoping and this throws off a lot of plans we had for the summer, unfortunately. Olivia and at least Brian will not make it to Aunt Mal and Uncle Allen's wedding in Arkansas July 10. We are devastated to say the least. I hope to make it as long as Olivia is doing well, as we expect her to be, but expectations are flimsy in this house.

One of the nurses noted that we hadn't been inpatient in a while--a guess a while is three months because we were here in January. Par for the course. I guess stays in Nov, Dec, and Jan get medical professionals to arrive at certain expectations.

We'll keep you updated for sure. Thanks.


  1. Praying for you!

    D & N

  2. dang it! praying and praying for livi and you and brian.

  3. Wow, they let just about anyone through security :). So glad - yay for Grandpa! Grandma will be up very soon to see her girl(s) and boy. Love you all - Marge
